Meet some real pig farmers from across Pennsylvania
Meet PA's Pig Farmers
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Get the skinny on why you should put more lean Pennsylvania pork on your fork for a balanced, healthy diet.
Learn More About Nutritious Pork

Raise a Rib to the People Behind Pork

Pennsylvania’s nearly 3,000 pig farmers are committed to delivering delicious and nutritious pork from their farms to your table. Safety, quality care of their pigs and sustainability are just a few priorities of Pennsylvania’s pig farmers.

Learn more about our pig farmers’ pledge to provide you—our Keystone State neighbors—with premium pork products and meet some real pig farmers from across Pennsylvania.

Tour a Sow Barn

Virtually visit a sow barn

Step inside a modern sow barn and get an up-close look at how Pennsylvania pig farmers care for their animals every day. From providing proper nutrition and veterinary care to maintaining a clean and comfortable environment, our farmers are committed to raising healthy pigs and producing high-quality pork. Watch the video to learn more about the dedication and practices that go into responsible pork production!