PA Pork Producers Council Release New Strategic Plan


April 24, 2024

Editors Note:

PA Pork Producers Council Release New Strategic Plan

In December 2023, the Pennsylvania Pork Producers Council initiated a strategic planning process to establish the strategic direction of the Council during the period of 2024 to 2027. A Strategic Planning Task Force of eleven industry leaders was convened. Roots and Legacies Consulting, a third-party firm, was contracted to facilitate stakeholder engagement and guide the Task Force through a strategic planning process with steps including discovery, design, adoptions, and continuous improvement with accountability.

During the discovery phase, outreach was conducted to identify and explore stakeholder priorities. Stakeholders for the Council were invited to complete a survey and interviews were conducted.

  1. Interviews included industry leaders representing specific segments (independent, show pig, niche, packer/processor), allied industry, extension/university leaders, and current and past council members.

The design phase consisted of an in-person meeting in February 2024. A representative Task Force met in Harrisburg, PA. During this portion of the process, task force participants reviewed stakeholder input collected through the survey and interviews. They discussed strengths and opportunities for the organizations and developed a purpose statement for the organization. In addition, they confirmed three foundational pillars for the strategic work of the association and developed draft strategic imperatives for each foundational pillar.

The new purpose statement for PPPC is: To create a sustainable future for the PA Pork industry by leveraging producer Checkoff investment through meaningful research, education, and promotion.

With the foundational pillars being: Organizational Effectiveness, Promotion and Producer Sustainability.

The PA staff leader established action items, timelines, and metrics for each strategic imperative. The strategic plan was presented to the Council in April 2024. For more information on the PA Pork Producers Council and how to get involved, please contact Courtney Gray, or visit


The Pennsylvania Pork Producers Council (PPPC) administers the Pork Checkoff on behalf of the state’s nearly 3,000 pig farmers. PPPC acts as a steward for Pork Checkoff funds at the state level and is charged with executing specific programs in the areas of promotion, research and education. No funds may be used for lobbying or to influence government policy. Checkoff-funded promotions are designed to increase domestic pork sales through consumer, retail and food service outreach. Additionally, Checkoff-funded research is administered in all areas of pork production, processing and human nutrition to develop a higher quality, more profitable and innovative product in the competitive meat protein market.

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